Personal loans have existed in the society since the historic times. There are many financial institutions that readily provide personal loan to folks and help them meet their individual necessities. However, personal loans can basically be categorized into two sections, namely secured and unsecured loans. Availing unsecured personal loans is easier than the secured ones. As such, amount of money involved in unsecured loans is usually very nominal, hardly a few hundred dollars or so. In order to avail this category of monetary facilities, one does not require putting up any asset as collateral. However, lenders charge higher interest rates on these loans.

In a striking development, the landscape of personal loans in Canada is changing at a fast pace. A number of registered lenders have come into existence, providing a unique monetary facility in form of car title loans. Interestingly, the range of lenders categorically provides this facility to folks who suffer from low credit scores. This facility has been launched at the most opportune moment as Canadian economy is experiencing stagnation for quite some time now. Corporate sector is steadily downsizing workforce and pink slips and layoffs are pretty common in this circumstance.
However, conventional lenders always back out from providing loan to people with bad credit. In order to seek the loan facility from these lenders, one should possess the clear title of a car, SUV, truck or van. As there is no credit check on the lender, money is handed over very fast. When the loan is repaid on time, a negligible sum is charged as interest. Most importantly, no credit check loans in Canada and surrounding areas allow borrowers to keep and use their vehicles during the loan period. The amount of the loan depends on the condition of a vehicle. To put it in other words, the better the condition of a vehicle the higher is the loan amount.